Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I actually sent this

To Whom It May Concern:

What does the $70 get us, besides "heavy appetizers"? $70 plus a cash bar? Plus paying for my boyfriend to come? I can't afford that, and I know of several people who will not be attending, for no other reason than because of the price.

Some of us may even organize an alternate reunion -- one friend said he might just go to the Moose Preserve and hope some people from the reunion walked over and said hi to him. And he and his wife both have successful jobs and own a house, and even they can't afford it.

I'm glad so many of my classmates are successful, but this is ridiculous. The last reunion was very nice, and it was only $20. I can't understand why $70 would not include any drinks. What are we supposed to do, ask our parents to pay for us?

I'm really really disappointed. I guess I'll try to go into financial services and see you all at the 15 year.

liz hill.