Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Here, hotels are hotels as they probably are anywhere in the world, sometimes seedy sometimes fancoid; but Motels, to a Brazilian they can only mean one thing: sex. They all have mirrors on the ceiling (at the very least) and a veritable smorgasboard of lubes and plugs and toys and such. And they´re really common! The first time I visited one such fine establishment I was at the mercy of a stranger intent on fucking my foxy female friend and a gay stoner, guess who I got to sleep with? Well anyway, the second time was better.


K-Snake said...

Ooh la la. Grrrr. Youzah. I'm guessing you wound up with...your own two hands?

lizgrass said...

Eeewwww. I wonder whose job it is to clean the "plugs."