Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I used to spend quite a bit of time using knives, fake blood, etc, to create a terrifying pumpkin experience for trick-or-treaters. But this year I realized a much simpler method: carve a regular smiley pumpkin about 3 weeks prior to Halloween. By the time it rolls around, what you have is a semi-decomposed, blackened skin-looking pumpkin that looks like it may murder you in your sleep, or at least give you some sort of bad rash.


Sir Miko of Rigs said...

Pumpkin Rash. Sounds aromatically discomforting.

I may prop up an enlarged Mr. Budday yearbook photo and have a Mrs. St. Aubin audio french lesson playing behind it. That will screw up some kids for sure.

K-Snake said...

"Pumpkin Rash" will be the hit single of your new band, The Osgood Schlatters, which by the way is a knee condition that comes up a lot around me for some reason. Your second single can be "Enlarged Mr. Budday", but frankly it may alienate some of your fan base.