Surprising, I know, as he was always the smiley skinny kid and pretty much a goody two-shoes. But Saturday night, I was at this place in Clawson called the Hideout, to review it for the News. (It's nothing special, but they do have a burger, fries and beer lunch special for $4.99. That's like the opposite deal of the LHS reunion.) Anyway, I start to walk over to some guys that my photographer is taking pictures of and then I realize, it's Chris Bowman and Ryan Buccafuri.
Buc looked different, much more adult (though I would hope so, because in high school, he looked like a middle schooler and his brother looked like a pre-schooler). Bowman looked the same, and he should, because I've seen him a few times in the past few years.
But okay, so I say, "Oh, hey Bowman! How you doin'?" He barely smiled at me, so I continue, "I'm here writing about this place for the News. Do you come here a lot? Do you like it?" And he just goes, "Don't do the reporter thing. It's, it's weird."
'Scuse me? It's weird? No, it's not weird to do the "reporter thing," because I'm here, on assignment, reporting on this place. So why not ask someone I know about the place? What??
Fuck you, Bow.
Also note, he and Buc were wearing shirts that said, "1st Annual Whiffin' at Balls Classic."
Well, if you went to a bar called the Hideout, would you want someone finding you??
This should be your news piece. Do it.
DO IT!!!!
What a douche! What a fucking asshole!!!
Can it be done without offending the Hideout? Let's get creative people...
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