Saturday, November 29, 2008

Anyone go to the Lahser reunion? Were all the jocks and geeks and dweebwads and spazoids and stoners there? Is anyone in the business of "solutions"?


Sir Miko of Rigs said...

I was there. There wasn't a very big turnout. It was odd. Odd and fucking exhausting. It was nice to see a couple folks there, not bad to see anyone in particular. There was a Nick Cohen sleeeezing on my wife. She scared him away. Talking to Katie Jalon and Rob Arnold was nice. Rob has grown to be a very cordial guy. He gets the most improved player award. The highlight of the night?? When a wasted Sarah Barbour stumbled out of the bathroom, hugged Anne and said, "Oh my god it's been forever!" Haha. More like never than forever.

lizgrass said...

God, I wasn't that upset I missed it (I was puking up my Thanksgiving feast for those who don't know), but now I'm pissed! I missed a wasted Sarah Barbour -- that's a once-in-a-lifetime event!!

Anne said...
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Anne said...

she was very excited to see me on her way to the bathroom... i played along, i really had no idea what else to do