The following are reconnaisance photographs.
Boat wreck with tree

Some kind of tube factory

Ford Motor Company

Rail infrastructure

Fisher Freeway

Yet another drawbridge


More factories

Zug Island

Detroit Edison

Rendez vous point, with the Straits and Canada beyond

Misson successful. End transmission.
NB: I can't figure out how to cut this entry because I don't have access to this Blog's template or settings.
Kyle, what's the deal?
That is the most unique boat ride scenery I have ever seen, cool.
What do you mean by cut, Joe?
Yeah, it was a good time.
By cut I mean a linked entry where it just has some intro words and then a link to the longet entry. That way it wouldn't display all of the pictures and eat up the whole page. It's not really a big deal, but if you're on a slow connection or dial-up it might take a while to load.
It's possible to do this in Blogger, but you need to mess with the HTML template, and I apparently lack access to that.
I love this. And am jealous. Damn you all for your good times!
Did anyone go in the water?
I have more, higher-resolution photos, but I didn't want to post them all here.
No one went in the water, thankfully. The canoe rental people actually suggested we bring hand sanitizer in case we touched a significant amount of water. Apparently upstream it's pretty clean, but in the canal part it's nasty.
You can't really tell, but down by Zug Island, the water was a chalky blue. It actually looked like the water from the "It's a Small World" ride at Disneyworld.
Joe, I granted you admin privileges, as well as everyone else...should be able to edit now hopefully.
Zug Island water - wow. Should have dipped a sponge in it, then let it sit in a jar and see what grows.
Where's the awesome picture of me and Scott on Zug?
wow looks like it was lots of fun! the pictures turned out great too
Awesome picture of Scott and Liz chillin' on Zug Island added, per your request.
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