Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yay soccer hooligans

My second night in Germany, Lisa, John, and I were surrounded by five Croations with ski masks and billy clubs. They kept yelling something in very broken German. It took like 5 minutes to figure out that we werent' getting mugged at all?! They wanted to know who kicked the shit out of one of their's brother with brass knuckles (Germany lost to Croatia that evening) and needed to check our pockets. John doesn't know what the hell is going on (plus he's like a 6'2" marine and he's just yellin' in english for them to stop trying to get into his pockets) Lisa is translating for him and I'm buisy talking them out of swinging at us with their clubs, which they are brandishing in a whole-hearted and kind of amusing way. In the end, me talking, lisa translating (and being a girl) and john being a foreigner, convinced them that we weren't the particular Germans in question and they went a vanishin' into the night. Good times.

P.S. I would like to announce the existence of a Goth Mel Bizzarro.
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Boston Sports

Since we’ve moved up here, there’s been:
--Celtics Championship
--Red Sox Championship
--Patriots best football season ever (then superbowl flop)
--NE Revolution in the finals
--Boston College football doing something important
--Hacky-sack guy on the street corner flipping a miraculous spin kick

Maybe we’re good luck. Hacky-sack guy says so.
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Here, hotels are hotels as they probably are anywhere in the world, sometimes seedy sometimes fancoid; but Motels, to a Brazilian they can only mean one thing: sex. They all have mirrors on the ceiling (at the very least) and a veritable smorgasboard of lubes and plugs and toys and such. And they´re really common! The first time I visited one such fine establishment I was at the mercy of a stranger intent on fucking my foxy female friend and a gay stoner, guess who I got to sleep with? Well anyway, the second time was better.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

No Bus

Today I had to pick Sean up from daycare because he was sick. We walked down the street to the bus stop (Sean was saying 'hi daddy' in a sad sickly voice the whole way). When the bus came, Sean said "Bus!". I asked him, in my best baby talk voice, "Do you want to get on the bus?". Then an Indian guy standing to my side replies, "No, I'm just waiting for someone". That was funny.
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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Beary Nice Surprise

A bear broke into my parent's place in Colorado last night. Trounced Jeremy's window, climbed over his bed and into the kitchen, then ate some cookie and steak, and finally fled when the dog flipped out. Jeremy wasn't there fortunately. Though on the other hand, who gets to say that they woke up with a bear climbing over their bed (and/or mauling their face)? The dog didn't get out of my parents room either, which could have been messy.

Aspen bears tend to return to where they found food, so there may be future incidents. I recommend keeping a musket or hacksaw on hand.
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Note on Culture

The winner of last year's French pop idol show:
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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Garfield Minus Garfield
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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Man, I missed my chance

At first I misread this and thought they swarmed the subway on the last night before the ban started. But, no, I think they swarmed the subway the night the ban started:
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